Gia ena tango

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….isla griega, taberna, mar, ventanuco, cortina al viento, calor, serenidad, atardecer, instante, magia, vida, gia ena tango….

Un comentario en «Gia ena tango»

  • el 10/09/2010 a las 10:51 AM
    Enlace permanente

    Isla griega, bullicio, descanso, sol, playa solitaría, blanco, azul, mitos, Zeus y los Gigantes,cielos estrellados, salitre, taberna griega…. maravilloso descubrimiento….

    Dejo la letra en inglés:

    For a tango

    I give all my money just for a tango
    and a touch of yours under the table,
    gazing indifferently around me,
    your hand caressing my naked neck.

    I give all my money just for a night
    with romantic figures on the dancing floor;
    everyone stepping aside from the fire
    that sends our bodies upon the prima vista.

    I give all my money just for a damage
    that will turn your reason upside down.
    Life needs craziness and spice,
    if we are to find the gates of Eden.

    A woman, a man and a God,
    a love God pointing at us;
    kissing you under the candlelight,
    taking whatever mind forbids us.


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